Comedian Bowen Yang recently issued a humorous apology to pop star Ariana Grande for kissing her “too much” during a skit on Saturday Night Live. The playful incident happened as part of a recent SNL episode where Grande made a cameo appearance in a sketch alongside Yang. Known for his comedic timing and improvisation, Yang’s character leaned into the moment, resulting in an unexpected number of on-screen kisses that left the audience laughing — and Yang later feeling the need to address the enthusiastic display.
In a lighthearted social media post, Yang jokingly acknowledged his overzealous performance and offered a humorous apology to Grande, admitting that he may have taken the scene a bit further than planned. Fans of both Yang and Grande reacted warmly, finding the exchange entertaining and emblematic of the unpredictable and unscripted nature of live comedy. Grande herself responded in good spirits, assuring Yang that there were no hard feelings and that she enjoyed the fun of the scene.
This moment underscores the spontaneity and camaraderie of SNL, where unexpected on-screen moments often become memorable highlights. Yang’s ability to laugh at himself, combined with Grande’s easygoing response, resonated with audiences, adding to the appeal of their on-screen chemistry. In the end, the playful “apology” only added to the charm of the skit, with fans of both stars eagerly awaiting future collaborations that might bring more of these unscripted moments to life.